School Lessons
One to one 20 minutes
One to one 30 minutes
Group 20 minutes
Group 30 minutes
(invoiced per 10 lessons)
Home Tuition
One to one 30 minutes
One to one 45 minutes
One to one 60 minutes
Group 30 minutes
Group 45 minutes
Group 60 minutes
(invoiced per half term)
Our enrolment fees are subject to regional variation, please CONTACT US FOR AN INFORMATION PACK, it will explain specifically for you our prices in your area. This will include ZOOM and face to face price plans.
Payment Terms And Conditions
1. Upon receipt of an enrolment, an account will be created for the purposes of invoicing session fees. Invoices are sent by Xero on email. Please check junk and spam folders as they can end up here from time to time.
2. Invoices are produced as lesson courses in blocks of 10 for school lessons, we have calculated our invoices to go out every 10 lessons - Taking into account notified school closures for half terms and holidays of course which you are never expected to pay for (unless you have home lessons over these periods). Invoice periods are published on our website. You can find a link to this here.
3. The invoice will include all of the available sessions for that course of lessons and the dates will be on the description field. For school, we charge in blocks of 10 (unless you enrol after the scheduled payment period - see here) and charged in half term blocks for all home based lessons.
4. Invoices are payable in advance of the lessons. Once sent, we ask kindly that you pay within 3 working days.
5. As lesson spaces are limited by strict teacher / student ratios, the invoice is for the lesson space to cover the period as shown on the invoice. If for any reason our teaching staff have to cancel, then we plan to arrange added time or a make up sessions - this might be via virtual lessons in which case if you opt out this will also be charged for. We WILL have to charge the normal lesson fee for available sessions that YOU do not attend, including any late notice cancellation or notified one off absences or opting out of our make up lesson.
6. We do not offer refunds or credits for unattended sessions where the pupils is absent from school or not at home. We regret that any absences that have been pre-paid cannot be refunded or carried over. Refunds will not be given once term has begun. Individual refunds/credits will only be issued if a class is cancelled due to school closure (but not strike days or school trips). Rockademy always have a “make up week” in which any cancelled by us or our tutors can be made up in the payment period. Refunds will not be given for missed classes by students and classes cannot be carried over to the next term. However, if prolonged illness occurs concessions may be made.
7. Our preferred form of payment linked on your invoice, or by credit debit card (see link at the bottom of this page). We also accept BACS / direct bank payment via the internet using the bank details attached to your invoice. You may also email or call Dill in the office to arrange a GoCardless direct debit.
We NO LONGER accept cheques or cash. We are able to take payment over the phone but encourage you pay by credit / debit card via the link on your invoice.
8. Dishonoured DD mandates / charge-backs will be subject to a Dishonoured Payment Fee (D.P.F.) as published - currently £10 per invoice block.
9. Accounts that are not paid in full by the time the next invoice is due (dates of invoice publishing are available here) will be subject to a Late Payment Fee (L.P.F.) as published - currently £10 per account - please be aware that it is possible to have multiple charges on a single invoice, such as siblings.
10. If you do wish to cancel your lessons then it is vital that you inform the office team by phone or email BEFORE the next invoicing period. Otherwise, we use an automatic re-booking system. This means that, unless you inform us that you wish to cancel your chosen instrument lessons, we will automatically enrol you onto a new lesson course. You can cancel by email, phone but if we have not received notification by the deadline (which is at least 1 weeks before the new course cycle) then your child's place will be automatically rebooked and the refunds policy will apply - Once a course has started, we regret that we cannot issue refunds or credits.
11. Accounts that are not paid in full after a second consecutive invoice has been issued will be automatically referred for debt collection without any further warning or communication. We may also have to suspend all lessons until the fee has been paid in full or partial, subject to payment plans/instalments being agreed.
12. We operate a Debt Recovery Procedure in partnership with HM Courts Service (Northampton County Court) and pursue ALL outstanding debts. The costs incurred in this procedure will be added to the final account balance.
13. If, after reminders for payment are sent and there has been no attempt to pay or to have arranged payment in installments, by the 3rd scheduled lesson in the payment period, we reserve the right to freeze the pupil attending sessions with their rockademy tutor. Please note, however, you will still be expected to pay for any missed lessons in this period and we will not be able to make up the lessons or offer credit to you.

If you have received an invoice for lessons from us, you may pay using the link below to our payment gateway.
When you follow the link, please do be sure to add 2 important pieces of information.
1. The Invoice Number you are paying
2. The students name who has lessons
This information can be inputted on the NOTES section once you have clicked the link.